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Venture Fusion - igniting success by fusing innovation and expertiseVenture Fusion - igniting success by fusing innovation and expertiseVenture Fusion - igniting success by fusing innovation and expertise

Month: January 2024

No 10 refuses to follow Cleverly in setting end of 2024 as target date for ending all small boat crossings – UK politics live – The Guardian

No 10 refuses to follow Cleverly in setting end of 2024 as target date for ending all small boat crossings – UK politics live  The Guardian Sunak engulfed by row over asylum statistics as 100000 migrants still in backlog  The Independent Politics stirs — and yes, it’s migration again  POLITICO Europe The government’s…
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Small boat arrivals in UK likely to rise in 2024, says Border Force officials’ union – The Guardian

Small boat arrivals in UK likely to rise in 2024, says Border Force officials’ union  The Guardian Migrant crossings fall by third in boost for Sunak pledge to ‘stop the boats’  The Telegraph ‘Evidence Of Failure’: Rishi Sunak Slammed After Breaking Pledge To ‘Stop The Boats’  HuffPost UK Small boat crossings to UK…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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